Monday, August 29, 2011

Latest Entry

My apologies to this beautiful woman for not getting this posted sooner!  Here is the latest (fantastic, if you ask me!) submission for Calendar Grrls 2012!

This is Mrs. Tanglewoods Homestead!
Now, ladies, we need to kick this into high gear!  It's gonna be September in just two days!!!  Ms. Apple Pie, how about some submissions from you?  Mom, do you have a full-size copy of that image of you "passed out" in the garden from a few years ago?  I think that would be a terrific photo to use!  

We've got a few summertime shots now, but we need to focus on Winter (snowy) and Fall images.  But, I'll take anything you send me!

C'mon, we can DO this!


  1. Oh, how I WISH I had a picture of me wrestling my Nigerian Dwarf buck to the ground a few days ago! I'm going to go through my recent pictures and see if there is anything worthy! Have to thank Chicken Mama for the reminder.

  2. Love that photo!!!!

    Hey, I'm on this...Got it all planned out. But it wont come to pass until the end of September when I hog tie another one of us into submission. Then you'll get two at once.

    I was actually going to do a post about it this week. Will do so for sure!!

  3. Yay Patty! Great photo! I'll try and get a pic this week, I'm out right now in short shorts with rubber boots poking at a burn barrel full of Irene's party favors LOL!
